Important authorities for newcomers to Munich
Put your name here, your address there, then sign on the dotted line... If you want to be able to watch TV in your new home, make a phone call, turn on the heating or the lights, you have to fill in lots of forms. The trip to the Einwohnermeldeamt – Residents Registration Office – should be one of the first things you do.
Bavarian law says you must notify the authorities within a week of moving to a new district. Anyone who wants to keep their old apartment in a different city should register Munich as their main place of residence since a tax has been levied on second homes since 2006. Anyway you won’t feel like a real Munich citizen until it says so in your resident’s permit, will you?
You can register in the Bürgerbüro (citizens office) in the Kreisverwaltungsreferat (local government office) at 19 Ruppertstraße or in one of the five local offices around the city. You’ll find the registration forms there, but you can also download them from the Internet at You can send your completed and signed registration form by post but if you choose this option you must send it to the Bürgerbüro in Ruppertstraße.