BIS – Distance LearningBavarian International School (BIS) in Munich as a source of inspiration: A tailor-made and balanced program inspires students, parents and teachers.
mmediately after the school gates had to be closed all over the country due to the corona virus, Bavarian International School (BIS) opened as a virtual school. With its own distance learning program, teaching continued seamlessly for around 1,200 students from 56 nations between the ages of 3 and 18. Already in the first three weeks, the innovative learning concept of BIS generated enthusiasm among students, parents and teachers alike.
The technological equipment and a trained, digitally-affine teaching team are key prerequisites for the success of the programme. "Educational Technology" has been integrated into the BIS curriculum since 2002. Each student in grades 4-6 receive their own iPad and in grades 7-12 their own MacBook. An IT team is on hand to provide assistance for any issues that may occur and they provide a help desk service to deal with these issues.
The Bavarian International School (BIS) combines digital expertise with inspiring learning and an international flair. Photo: Sebastian Stiphout
As if ignited by a burning glass, the coronavirus pandemic has exposed the challenges facing schools in times of crisis and the increasing spread of technology. The School 4.0 needs a digital DNA – today not in the future. That's because distance learning is not homeschooling, and parents cannot be replacement teachers on top of their other roles ...
One school that has been investing in educational technology and in training for its teachers since 2002 (!) is the Bavarian International School (BIS) in Munich-Schwabing and Haimhausen (15 km north of Munich). The school recognizes that innovative educators, up-to-date technology, IT expertise and tailored learning concepts are the key factors for successful distance and hybrid teaching. During the first lockdown in March 2020, BIS was already able to smoothly switch to being a virtual school overnight – while maintaining the same high academic quality.
Elly & StoffelElly & Stoffl ist eine private und bilinguale Premium Kita mit 7 Standorten in München.
Neben einem einzigartigen pädagogischen Konzept und hohem Betreungsschlüssel, bietet Elly & Stoffl besonders hohe Flexibilität für berufstätige Eltern mit Öffnungszeiten von 7 bis 19 Uhr und ohne Schließzeiten in den Ferien.
Zudem legt die erste Kneipp® Kita Münchens großen Wert auf eine gesunde Lebensweise mit ausreichend Bewegung und gesunder Ernährung.
In den Häusern in Bogenhausen, Schwabing, Cosimapark, Laim, Solln, Theresienhöhe und Nymphenburg, werden Kinder von 4 Monaten bis 10 Jahren betreut.
Jules Verne CampusJules Verne Campus is a bilingual school campus in the south-east of Munich.
It was founded in 2013 with the vision of combining 40 years of pedagogical experience in Switzerland with current insights of neuroscience in a bilingual learning environment. The basis for joyful and healthy learning is a curriculum with daily units of physical exercise and freshly prepared organic food.
The official curriculum is enriched with hands-on experiments and elements such as "inquiry-based learning”: the special subject "Curiosology®" is an example for the focus on maintaining and fostering natural curiosity in school-life.
International cooperations give rise to new perspectives on our world. One such cooperation is with "Ocean College", where for half a year the lessons are held on board a sailing-ship. Following the high demand for this innovative concept, a kindergarten has opened recently on the campus. So, children from the age of three onwards can come along and join Jules Verne Campus on their way to qualify for university.
Vor genau 10 Jahren hat die Kanadierin Lara Varner mit der Eröffnung des Gymboree Play & Music Spiel- und Lerncenters, das Münchner Angebot für Baby- und Kleinkindkurse revolutionär erweitert.
Seitdem ist Gymboree mit seinem bunten englisch- und deutschsprachigen Angebot an Baby- und Kinderkursen (Spielend Lernen, Musik- und Kreativkurse) für Kinder im Alter von 2 Monaten- 5 Jahren, internationalem Vorkindergarten (2 – 4 Jahre), Kindergeburtstagen und Sommercamps (3 – 5 Jahre) eine feste Institution geworden für viele deutsche und internationale Familien in und um München.
Im März 2010 eröffnete das erste deutsche Spiel- und Lerncenter des internationalen Marktführers für frühkindliche Förderung Gymboree Play & Music im Forum Bogenhausen. Gymboree’s breites und zweisprachiges Angebot hat seitdem viele deutsche und internationale Familien begeistert.
© Kaznadey,
For good reason, Munich is focusing on the care of the very young: Since August 1, 2013 , children ages 1 to 3 have the legal right to care in a day-care center. This is a special challenge to Munich with its more than 1 million residents. The demand in Munich is significantly higher than the estimated 46 percent figure (2016) for the care of children under 3 in Germany as a whole. And then there is the Bavarian capital’s baby boom, which has not subsided.
Although the city is creating new spaces at full speed, the effort is still missing many of Munich’s mini-residents. Parents who cannot find a space for a child can turn to the KITA-Elternberatung (parents childcare advice) at Landsberger Straße 30 (Tel. 233-967 71).Here you get an overview of all the types of day care available citywide, including day nurseries, play groups and day-care parents. Parent initiatives and private facilities also offer alternatives to public facilities, although you have to dig a bit deeper into your pockets with them. In turn, you benefit from special services such as bilingual care, small groups and flexible hours of operation for parents in the professions.
The city, in combination with the independent providers, has reached a rate of local care of 92 percent for children between the ages of 3 and 6, and the figure continues to climb. You can find comprehensive information on Munich child care and a database containing the facilities of all the providers at
© jovannig,
Beside the state education, there are, of course, a series of international schools in Munich.
The two largest private international schools are the Bavarian International School (BIS) in Haimhausen with 1040 students from 52 countries and the Munich International School (MIS) in Starnberg with about 1,200 students from 55 countries.
Both schools are housed in castles so lessons take place in fairy-tale surroundings. Both accept junior, middle and senior students.
Überfüllte Klassen, überlastete Lehrer und viel Unterrichtsausfall - leider sind immer mehr staatliche Schulen davon betroffen.
Kein Wunder also, dass Privatschulen voll im Trend liegen. In Bayern und dort vor allem in München verzeichnete man in den letzten Jahren einen wahren Gründungsboom. Tendenz steigend!
Laut Verband Bayerischer Privatschulen gibt es in Bayern 1336 Schulen in freier Trägerschaft, die von 14,4 Prozent der bayerischen Schülerinnen und Schüler besucht werden, insgesamt 204896 (Schuljahr 2015/2016, ohne Berufsschulen).
Das heißt, bereits jeder siebte Schüler in Bayern besucht eine Privatschule.
Die Gründe dafür sind vielfältig:
Zum Einen wünschen sich Eltern natürlich eine bestmögliche Schulausbildung für ihre Kinder und somit eine gute Startposition ins Berufsleben.
Eine bestimmte konfessionelle oder reformpädagogische Ausrichtung, wie sie z.B. die Montessori - oder Waldorf-Schulen bieten, spielt ebenfalls eine wichtige Rolle, weshalb sich viele Familien für eine Privatschule entscheiden.
Nicht zu vergessen sind bessere Ganztagsangebote, individuelle Betreuung, kleine Klassen und motivierte Lehrer sowie ein gutes Schulklima in dem das Lernen Spa macht.
Einziger Nachteil: Das monatliche Schulgeld, das im Einzelfall sogar mehrere tausend Euro im Monat kosten kann.
Hier erhalten Sie alle wichtigen Informationen:
Verband Bayerischer Privatschulen Haidhausen, Innere Wiener Str. 7, Tel. 089 44770333,
© Christian Schwier,
There are many different reasons to take a boarding school for your child into consideration. Either you´re highly occupied by your job and don´t have enough time to care and look after your child or your child is an only child and you like it to grow up with children of the same age.
Furthermore, because of the time-consuming mentoring, boarding schools offer an unique opportunity for individual development, especially if one likes to combine sportive and musical leisure time activity with everyday life at school. Anyway, the boarding school is an alternative to the conventional kind of school and offers new challenges for your son or daughter and moreover imparts social skills.