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For good reason, Munich is focusing on the care of the very young: Since August 1, 2013 , children ages 1 to 3 have the legal right to care in a day-care center. This is a special challenge to Munich with its more than 1 million residents. The demand in Munich is significantly higher than the estimated 46 percent figure (2016) for the care of children under 3 in Germany as a whole. And then there is the Bavarian capital’s baby boom, which has not subsided.
Although the city is creating new spaces at full speed, the effort is still missing many of Munich’s mini-residents. Parents who cannot find a space for a child can turn to the KITA-Elternberatung (parents childcare advice) at Landsberger Straße 30 (Tel. 233-967 71).Here you get an overview of all the types of day care available citywide, including day nurseries, play groups and day-care parents. Parent initiatives and private facilities also offer alternatives to public facilities, although you have to dig a bit deeper into your pockets with them. In turn, you benefit from special services such as bilingual care, small groups and flexible hours of operation for parents in the professions.
The city, in combination with the independent providers, has reached a rate of local care of 92 percent for children between the ages of 3 and 6, and the figure continues to climb. You can find comprehensive information on Munich child care and a database containing the facilities of all the providers at www.muenchen.de/kinderbetreuung