It started with body building and aerobics in the 70s and 80s. In the meantime fitness has developed into a successful segment of the sports and leisure industry.
According to the German Gym Association (“Deutscher Sportstudioverband”) some 4.2 million people in Germany visit 5,500 gyms on a regular basis. Düsseldorf also has a wide variety of gyms.
Guided by professional instructors, men and women improve their fitness on treadmills, strengthen their backs with the help of special equipment and get rid of excess weight in aerobics and gymnastics classes.
“Wellness” as the Germans call it, has become more and more popular since the 90s.
Most gyms are now equipped with sauna, offer massages or yoga classes.
At some gyms even moms and dads can work out without a worry while professional nurses take care of their children. Another alternative is fitness for kids.
Most gyms are now equipped with sauna, offer massages or yoga classes.
At some gyms even moms and dads can work out without a worry while professional nurses take care of their children. Another alternative is fitness for kids.