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Literally great – language schools in Düsseldorf


Language schools in Düsseldorf have helped foreigners from various different nations including Brazilians, Croatians, Swedes and Chinese to express themselves in German.
There are over seventy schools specialising in teaching German as a foreign language.
Their teaching methods vary. Some schools offer tuition based on multimedia and role play while others offer a combination of traditional language lessons coupled with sports.
Germans who want to brush up their language skills for their next holiday or to improve their Business English can chose from a wide selection of language schools.
You’ll find plenty of other schools teaching Spanish, Italian and many other languages.

Quick lesson in Düsseldorf´s dialect

Dialek_rheinlaendischAnders als in München, Stuttgart oder Köln wird die Mundart der nordrhein-westfälischen Landeshauptstadt, das sogenannte Düsseldorfer Platt, hauptsächlich von den älteren Menschen gesprochen und von den jüngeren maximal noch verstanden.
Der Düsseldorfer Dialekt hat im Laufe der Jahre immer mehr vom Kölschen übernommen, sodass die aktuell gesprochene Mundart auch häufig als Düsseldorfer Rheinisch bezeichnet wird.

Language school check list

300ChecklisteKleinDS6997874With a huge selection of language schools in Düsseldorf it's not always easy to choose the right one. We give you an essential check list of criteria to make that decision easier.



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