Rhein in Flammen
Neujahrsempfang der Frankfurter Garden
March from the Stoltzer Fountain to the Römer with musical accompaniment. Concludes with the Guards’ New Year reception in the Römer.
›› Beginning/middle of January, Frankfurt Römer
Neujahrsumzug der Garden
›› 1. January, Mainz, Innenstadt
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The first cider of the season is tapped under the slogan “Bock auf Bembel.’’
›› www.hr-online.de
Fastnacht Frankfurt
Frankfurt carnival highlights are the attack of the Römerberg by the Frankfurt Guards, the Latin Quartier, a legendary carnival party at the Frankfurt University and the huge Palm Sunday parade through the inner city area.
›› Großer Fastnachtsumzug: Innenstadt, www.grosser-rat.de
›› Klaa Paris Fastnachtszug: Heddernheim
›› www.klaa-paris.com
Fastnacht Mainz
Along with Cologne and Düsseldorf, Mainz is one of Germany’s three main strongholds of carnival excitement! Over 500,000 visitors attend the 7 km long Rosenmontag parade through the inner city.
›› www.mainzer-fastnacht.de
Fastnacht Rhein-Main
Neben den Hochburgen Mainz und Frankfurt wird an vielen weiteren Orten im Rhein-Main-Gebiet kräftig Karneval gefeiert wie etwa in Hanau, Darmstadt, Dieburg, Wiesbaden und vielen anderen Gemeinden.
›› Hanau, www.hanau.de
›› Darmstadt, Rosenmontagszug
›› Dieburg, Umzug am Fastnachtsdienstag www.dieburg.de
›› Dreieich-Sprendlingen, Umzug am Fastnachtsdienstag www.dreieich.de
›› Mühlheim am Main, Rosenmontagsumzug, www.muehlheim.de
›› Neu-Isenburg, www.neu-isenburg.de
›› Ober-Mörlen, Umzug am Fastnachtsdienstag mit dem Mohr von Mörlau, www.ober-moerlen.de
›› Rodgauer Fastnacht, www.rodgau.de
›› Seligenstadt Rosenmontagszug, www.heimat-bund-seligenstadt.de
›› Wiesbaden, Fastnachtsonntagszug
Tuesday Night Skating
Inline skating event, every Tuesday at 8.30 pm, starting in Sachsenhausen.
›› March-October, Frankfurt, Sachsenhausen, Alte Brücke, www.t-n-s.de
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Largest traditional fair in the Rhein-Main Region, fireworks on the first and last days.
›› 3 weeks, Frankfurt, Bornheim Festplatz Ratsweg, www.dippemess.de
Every 2 years in April Frankfurt basks in the glow of light, a spectacle that holds more than 100,000 people under its spell.
›› 6 days, every second year, next event 2012, www.luminale.de
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Brüder-Grimm-Märchefestspiele Hanau
Unforgettable nights of theater in the beautiful covered amphitheater.
›› May-July, Hanau, Schloss Philippsruhe, www.hanau.de
Internationales Drachenboot-Festival
A water sport competition imported from Asia.
›› 3 days, Frankfurt, Sachsenhausen, Schaumainkai
A DJ and live music provide the accompaniment to dancing around a real maypole.
›› 3 days, Frankfurt, Altstadt, Liebfrauenberg
Nacht der Museen
Exhibits in about 45 museums as well as a varied program of music, readings and theater.
›› Frankfurt & Offenbach: various locations, www.nacht-der-museen.de
This Frankfurt “national holiday” (the Tuesday after Pentecost) has been celebrated for over 600 years, with a fair and live music in the municipal forest.
›› Pentecost, Frankfurt, Niederrad, Oberforsthaus im Stadtwald
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Brunnenfest Oberursel
Yearly spectacle with live music in the streets and courtyards of the inner city.
›› 4 days, Oberursel, Altstadt
Largest festival in the Rheingau region, with strawberry drinks, dancing and music until dawn.
›› 4 days, Erbach, www.rheingau.de
Freilichtfestival im Grüneburgpark
Open air theater on about 40 evenings, presented by the Dramatische Bühne e.V.
›› June-August, Frankfurt, Grüneburgpark, www.sommernachtstraeumer.de
Höchster Schlossfest
Largest cultural/folkloric district festival with organ music and theater performances.
›› 4 weeks, Höchst, www.schloss-fest.de
Hesse Day, with its many events, has been celebrated in a different Hesse city since 1961, for example in Stadtallendorf in 2011.
›› 10 days, www.hessentag2011.de
Open Doors Festival
Sounds good, about 35 bands playing for free on many stages in the city.
›› 3 days, Neu-Isenburg, www.open-doors-festival.de
Public festival around the Opera Square with musical and culinary specialties.
›› 11 days, Frankfurt, Innenstadt, Opernplatz, www.opernplatzfest.de
Berger Straßenfest
Large multicultural event on lower Berger Street.
›› 2 days, Frankfurt, Nordend-Ost, Berger Str.

Parade der Kulturen
People from around 180 countries unite against right wing extremism and parade in demonstration through the inner city. Includes diverse movie program.
›› 1 day, Frankfurt, Innenstadt, www.parade-der-kulturen.de
Rosen- und Lichterfest
Varied illumination, a large rose exhibition and the light festival with images using thousands of tea lights make the Palmengarten shine even more beautifully.
›› 4 days, Frankfurt, Westend-Süd, Siesmayer Str. 61, www.palmengarten-frankfurt.de
Schweizer Straßenfest
Various show stages and numerous stands for gourmets and cider lovers.
›› 1 day, Frankfurt, Sachsenhausen, Schweizer Str.
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Bad Homburger Sommer
Children’s theater, cabaret, flea market, jazz brunches, classical evenings and open air movies.
›› 14 days, Bad Homburg, www.bad-homburger-sommer.de
Christopher Street Day
Gays and lesbians celebrate and demonstrate all around the Konstablerwache.
›› 3 days, Innenstadt, www.frankfurt.gay-web.de
© Yap Kee Chan, Dreamstime.com
Hochheimer Weinfest
One of the largest wine festivals in the Rheingau.
›› 4 days, www.hochheim.de
Rhein im Feuerzauber
Fireworks displays, lit-up castles, lit-up ships as well as a large complimentary program all enchant the middle Rhein Valley.
›› 1 day, Rüdesheim am Rhein, www.rhein-im-feuerzauber.de
The Stoffel (Stalburg Theater Open Air in the Günthersburgpark) is a very popular four-week festival with music, cabaret and theater performances under
the stars, free entrance.
›› 4 weeks, Frankfurt, Nordend-Ost Güntherburgpark www.stalburg.de
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About 120 summer gardens, fair and lots of live music on the shores of the Main and in the inner city. Large fireworks display at the conclusion.
›› 4 days, Altstadt, Römerberg und Mainkai, www.frankfurt-tourismus.de
Bernemer Kerb
The traditional Bornheim Church Consecration Festival has celebrated since 1608, for example with live music and a parade.
›› 4 days, Frankfurt, Bornheim, Johanneskirche & obere Berger Str., www.bernemer-kerb.de
Large multicultural culture festival with theater, exhibits, concerts, workshops and museum tours in various languages.
›› 3 days, Frankfurt, Sachsenhausen, www.museumsuferfest-frankfurt.de
Rheingauer Weinwoche
Longest wine bar in Germany with over 110 stands and large accompanying program.
›› 10 days, Wiesbaden, Rathaus, www.wiesbaden.de
Sachsenhäuser Brunnenfest
Historical festival (since 1490) in the cider district honoring Frankfurt’s drinking springs.
›› 4 days, Frankfurt, Sachsenhausen, Paradiesplatz, www.kerbegesellschaft.de
heater festival at the river with dance, music, performance, poetry and film.
›› August/September, Frankfurt, Weseler Werft östliches Mainufer, Oskar-von-Miller-Str., www.sommerwerft.de
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Mainzer Weinmarkt
Large wine festival with amusement park, art market, live music and vintage car exhibition.
›› 4 days, Volks- und Stadtpark, www.mainzer-weinmarkt.de
Large cider fair on the Römerberg.
›› 2 days, Frankfurt, Altstadt, www.frankfurt.de
›› 11 days, see April
Rheingauer Weinmarkt
Large wine festival in the Fressgass in Frankfurt.
›› 10 days, Frankfurt, Fressgass, www.frankfurt-tourismus.de
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Oldest Jazz festival in Germany.
›› 4 days, Frankfurt, Sendesaal des Hessischen Rundfunks, Dornbusch, Bertram Str. 8
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Christmas markets
›› 1 month
›› Frankfurt, Altstadt, Römerberg
›› Frankfurt, Innenstadt, Zeil
›› Frankfurt, Westend, Palmengarten
›› Bad Homburg
›› Bad Soden
›› Wiesbaden, Sternschnuppenmarkt
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