Berliner Neujahrslauf
›› January 1st, It starts noon at the Brandenburger Tor.
Berliner 6-Tage-Rennen
Cycle race with lots of sideshow entertainment.
›› End of January, Velodrom
Fashion Week
New fashion fair with international designers and fresh talent.
›› 4 days

More than 100 museums are open from 6 pm to 2 am. Additional live music and theater performances.
›› 1 evening, www.lange-nacht-der-museen.de
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Andreas Teich © Berlinale 2015
The worldwide known Berlinale, where stars and starlets meet and movie awards are celebrated, takes place at various venues.
›› 11 days, www.berlinale.de

The International Art and Media Festival Berlin is Germany’s biggest festival dedicated to art and creative applications in digital media.
›› 5 days, Haus der Kulturen der Welt, www.transmediale.de
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Holiday on Ice
Ice skating show, featuring colorful costumes, an exciting story, stirring music and surprising light effects.
›› 3 weeks, Tempodrom, www.holidayonice.com
© Michael Vorfeld
Festival dedicated to the latest music.
›› 10 days, www.maerzmusik.de
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Berliner Halbmarathon
›› 1 day, www.berlin-marathon.com
Festtage der Staatsoper
The Staatsoper Unter den Linden stages a special Easter program with a different focus every year. Note the event takes place in the Schillertheater in Charlottenburg!
›› Eastern, Schillertheater, www.staatsoper-berlin.de
Lange Nacht der Opern und Theater
Berlin colorful theaters open their doors from 7 pm to 1 am.
›› 1 evening, www.berlin-buehnen.de
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Berliner Frauenlauf
Women-only run.
›› 1 day, www.berlin-marathon.com
Lange Nacht der Wissenschaften
More than 70 science institutions in Berlin and Potsdam open up their labs, archives and operations rooms from 5 pm to 1 am.
›› 1 evening, www.langenachtderwissenschaften.de
Every year from May 6 to 23 people from the theater, journalists and international guests assemble in Berlin.
›› 17 days, www.berlinerfestspiele.de
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Karneval der Kulturen
Four-day major event held over Pentecost weekend, with a street party plus four stages, large procession with decorated floats and kids’ carnival party.
›› 4 days, Blücherplatz, www.karneval-berlin.de
Christopher Street Day
World-famous Lesbian and gay parade between Ku’damm and Siegessäule.
›› 1 day, www.csd-berlin.de
Fête de la Musique
International Music Day in more than 100 cities, including Berlin.
›› Always on June 21st, various venues, www.fetedelamusique.de
Lesbisch-Schwules Stadtfest
Lesbian, gay, bisexual and transsexual projects, support groups, clubs and businesses party in a street festival over 25,000 sq m.
›› 2 days, around Nollendorfplatz, www.regenbogenfonds.de

International Sand Sculpture Festival at the O2 World opposite the Eastside Gallery.
›› June-August, www.sandsation.de

Deutsch-Französisches Volksfest
German-French folk festival with more than 100 rides, French delicacies, music and French midget village.
›› June-July, www.volksfest-berlin.de
Classic Open Air
›› 6 days, Gendarmenmarkt
Fashion Week
New fashion fair with international designers and fresh talent.
›› 4 days, www.berlin-fashionweek.de
Berliner Klassiktage
›› 10 days, various venues
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© Peter Meißner
Berliner Gauklerfest
Art, cultur and live music is presented on several stages.
›› 10 days, Unter den Linden, www.gauklerfest.de
5km- and 10km races along Kurfürstendamm, more than 8,000 runners and skaters.
›› 1 day, www.berlin-marathon.com
Deutsch-Amerikanisches Volksfest
›› 3 weeks, Clayallee, Ecke Argentinische Allee
One-week history festival with a large historical market in the Nikolaiviertel.
›› 1 week, various venues, www.historiale.de
Tanz im August
Contemporary dance festival with many stars and a mixed program.
›› 12 days, various venues, www.tanzimaugust.de

Internationales Berliner Bierfestival
Beer festival with more than 250 breweries from 86 countries, 1,800 beers.
›› 3 days, Karl-Marx-Allee, Strausberger Platz, Frankfurter Tor, www.bierfestival-berlin.de

Lange Nacht der Museen
More than 100 museums are open from 6 pm to 2 am. Additional live music and theater performances.
›› 1 evening, www.lange-nacht-der-museen.de

Potsdamer Schlössernacht
Lively festival with music, theater and fireworks in splendidly illuminated surroundings.
›› 1 evening, Park Sanssouci, Potsdam, www.schloessernacht-2010.de
Jüdische Kulturtage
The many facets of Jewish culture, from readings to comedy to pop music.
›› 11 days, various venues
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Berlin’s International Stadium Festival (ISTAF) is Germany’s famous, traditional track and field meeting and one of the most popular and successful sporting events in Germany.
›› 1 day, Olympiastadion, www.istaf.de
Internationales Literaturfestival Berlin
Festival with 100 authors covers the latest in world literature at about 200 events.
›› 12 days, various venues, www.literaturfestival.com
Musikfest Berlin
International outstanding orchestras, ensembles and soloists play chamber and orchestral music, opening the annual season.
›› 17 days, Philharmonie Berlin, www.berlinerfestspiele.de

Trade fair, that is a get-together of the international music and entertainment industry since 2004.
›› 3 days, Messegelände, www.popkomm.de
Bombastic! International meeting of the best fireworks artists, with fixed and freestyle displays and award ceremony. 60,000 spectators.
›› 2 evenings, Maifeld am Olympiastadion
BMW Berlin-Marathon
Long established marathon, 50,000 runners from more than 100 countries. Flat, therefore fast, route.<
›› 2 days, Tiergarten, Straße des 17. Juni
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Taking place at the same time as the correspondent original in Munich, large folk festival.
›› 2 weeks, Zentraler Festplatz am Kurt-Schumacher-Damm, www.berliner-oktoberfest.de
Festival of Lights
Illuminations of and artistic projections on more than 40 buildings allow the city to glow in a very special light.
›› 2 weeks, throughout the city, www.festival-of-lights.de
Feier zum Tag der Deutschen Einheit
Celebration of German reunification at the Brandenburg Gate.
›› October 3rd, Tiergarten, Festmeile am Brandenburger Tor & auf der Straße des 17. Juni bis zur Siegessäule
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JazzFest Berlin
Well-established Berlin Jazz Festival at various venues.
›› 5 days, www.berlinerfestspiele.de
Berliner Märchentage
Storytellers, authors, illustrators, theater actors, dancers, musicians, puppeteers and scientists bring to life the world of fairy-tales.
›› 2 weeks, various venues
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Christmas markets
››Weihnachtsmarkt & Winterwelt Potsdamer Platz, www.winterwelt-berlin.de
›› An der Gedächtniskirche
›› Weihnachtszauber Gendarmenmarkt, www.gendarmenmarktberlin.de
›› Vor dem Schloss Charlottenburg
›› Lucia Weihnachtsmarkt in der Kulturbrauerei, www.lucia-weihnachtsmarkt.de
›› Adventsmarkt rund um den Kollwitzplatz
›› Am Opernpalais, www.berliner-weihnacht.de
New Year´s Eve
The world´s largest New Year´s open-air party with show stage, ferris wheel, numerous culinary offerings and a giant fireworks display at Brandenburger Tor.
›› Brandenburger Tor, Straße des 17. Juni bis Siegessäule
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