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Get together


Once they’ve found a nice place to live in the new city, have overcome most of the stress of moving and everything is running smoothly jobwise, a very specific feeling makes itself known among the species of newcomers to Hamburg: loneliness. In a metropolis of 1.77 million people like Hamburg, there is scarcely a new citizen who is not immune to this. But the chances for bringing this state to an end quickly are pretty good; after all, singles make up half of the households in the city on the harbor. So the question is: where and how can I meet new people who have similar hobbies and interests? It’s simple: go to one of the countless groups of regulars and leisure-time get-togethers that Hamburg has to offer. Getting to know new people here is child’s play.

For example, the “Currywurst Club” meets regularly to pig out and have a chat. Everyone who likes eating sausages and meeting new people is welcome here. There are other less curious groups that go walking, mountain biking or have breakfast together. And if you can’t find a group that suits you, why not start your own?

The possibilities of the Internet are recommended for every newcomer to Hamburg who is too shy to find people either personally or through the media: whether at or, where you’ll find many others looking for new friends or even their Prince or Princess Charming. However, a little courage is required for all of these variations. As you can see, there are many ways to meet interesting people. The next few pages explore further possiblities. And if all your efforts still do not meet with success, there is another – though certainly chance-based – possibility for lonely hearts to meet their life partner: at the sausage counter in the supermarket. Here’s a tip: most singles do their shopping just before the stores close.


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