January | April | July | October |
February | May | August | November |
March | June | September | December |
Holiday on Ice
Ice skating show, featuring colorful costumes and lighting effects.
›› 4 days, Lanxess Arena Köln, www.holidayonice.com
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A world of its own. In the Carnival tent Kölsch beer is drunk over 10 days and revellers party for all they’re worth.
›› 10 days, Kölner Südstadion, www.koelschfest.deKarneval
Rhineland appears like it’s in revolutionary fever during Carnival. Highlights of the “fifth season’’ include Women’s Carnival Day with the appearance of the Carnival Prince, Peasant and Maiden, the Rose Monday parade and a big street party on Shrove Tuesday which lasts until midnight when the carnival spirit is symbolically burned. On Ash Wednesday it’s all over and Lent is rung in with a traditional meal of fish – until next year when the cry goes up again “Kölle Alaaf!” (Cologne Alive!) & “Bonn Alaaf!”
›› 6 days, www.koelnerkarneval.de, www.kamelle.de
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Artists and authors take part in over 100 literature events including the presentation of the German audio book award.
›› 10 days, www.litcologne.de
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Art Cologne
The world’s oldest and most famous art fair with 180 international exhibitions aimed at presenting art to a wide audience. Focus is on art of the 20th and 21st centuries.
›› 5 days, www.artcologne.deFrühlingsvolksfest
A roller coaster, big wheel and more are the attractions at the Deutz spring fun fair.
›› 2 weeks, Festplatz Köln Deutz, Siegburger Str. 66, www.gkseg.de
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Bonner Sommer
Lots of shows and concerts from many different musical areas.
›› May-August, Bonner Marktplatz, verschiedene Kirchen u.m.Rhein in Flammen
Mega party with unforgettable fireworks display on the Rhine.
›› 1 day, Bonn, www.rhein-in-flammen.comKölner Weinwoche
Wine and Sekt (sparkling wine) lovers flock to Cologne’s old town for a week of sampling the fruits of the vine in a friendly atmosphere.
›› 1 week, Heumarkt, www.koelner-weinwoche.de
Brühler Schlosskonzerte
Many classic concerts with fireworks at the end attract spectators to the romantic Augustburg Castle.
›› May-August, Schloss Augustusburg Brühl, www.schlosskonzert.de
Sommerblut Festival
An international cultural festival with a lively program of over 100 concerts, plays, readings and many surprises.
›› 3 weeks, www.sommerblut.net
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Bonner Bierbörse
Beers from around the world as well as concerts.
›› 3 days, Rheinauenpark Bonn-Bad Godesberg, www.bierboerse.com
Special guided tours and concerts for the whole family.
›› 4 days, Bonn, Museumsmeile
Romanischer Sommer
An evening of concerts with an ethereal ambience in Cologne’s Romanesque churches.
›› 3 days, www.romanischer-sommer.de
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Germany’s biggest Gay Pride event with a parade though the city center and a street festival.
›› 3 days, www.csd-cologne.de
Cool atmosphere and heavy beats during a techno music festival at Rheinwiesen. Warning – the opening event takes place in Levekusen.
›› July-August , www.pollerwiesen.org
Kölner Lichter
Fireworks displays on the Rhine promenade and many boats set Cologne alight.
›› 1 day, www.koelner-lichter.de
Germany’s largest free music festival with up to 170,000 visitors is always held on the first weekend in July.
›› 1 day, Bonn, Rheinaue, www.rheinkultur-festival.deSummerjam
Jamaica comes to Cologne. Reggae festival at Fühlinger lake - a must for fans of Caribbean rhythms.
›› 3 days, Fühlinger See, www.summerjam.de
Why travel a long away when this free outdoor festival offers all the fun and summer entertainment you need with concerts, theatrical spectacles and events to join in.
›› July-August, www.sommerkoeln.de
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Kölner Kino Nächte
40 film events over a long weekend to delight movie buffs.
›› 3 evenings, www.koelner-kino-naechte.de
The fete day to celebrate North Rhine-Westphalia’s founding on August 23 1946 takes place in 2011 in Beethoven’s city of Bonn.
›› 1 day, www.bonn2011.deMittelalterliches Phantasie Spektakulum
The world’s biggest travelling Medieval culture festival makes an appearance in Cologne.
›› 2 days, Fühlinger See, www.spectaculum.de Kölner Golfwoche
Sport, thrills and top-class cuisine combine in perfect symbiosis during Cologne Golf Week.
›› 1 weeks, www.koelnergolfwoche.de
Cologne on Pop
Electronic music festival in the Rheinparkhallen.
›› 5 days, www.c-o-pop.de
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Beethovenfest Bonn
Renowned performers and ensembles stage many concerts in honor of the great composer.
›› 1 month, Bonn, www.beethovenfest.de
A multi media festival that appeals to all senses with a union of sound, water, light and fire.
›› 10 days, Bonn, Münsterplatz, www.klangwelle-bonn.de
Dä längste Desch vun Kölle
The Cologne way of life is celebrated in this street festival in the southern part of the city. It’s known as Cologne’s longest table.
›› 2 days, Severinskirchplatz
Köln Triathlon
One of Germany´s most important triathlon competitions.
›› 3 days, Am Fühlinger See, www.koelntriathlon.deKölner Musiknacht
Over 100 concerts take place in Cologne’s city center from 6 pm to 2 am.
›› 1 evening, www.koelner-musiknacht.de
Pützchens Markt
Bonn´s traditional annual market is a showcase for the Rhineland attitude to life.
›› 5 days, Bonn, www.puetzchens-markt.de
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An open night at Cologne’s theaters with many different performances and behind the scenes events.
›› 1 evening, www.theaternacht.de
Comedy Festival
Over 40,000 delighted viewers watch many events during the annual Cologne Comedy Festival which includes the presentation of a comedy award.
›› 2 weeks, www.koeln-comedy.deKöln Marathon
›› 1 day, www.koeln-marathon.de
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Lange Nacht der Museen
More than 40 museums and arts venues open their doors from 7 pm to 2 am, many special events such as drama, readings and concerts.
›› 1 evening, www.museumsnacht-koeln.deKölner Eiszauber
The best place for Cologne’s ice princesses is this 1,200 sq m ice skating rink at Heumarkt.
›› End of November-January, Heumarkt, www.koelner-eiszauber.de
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Cologne and Bonn Christmas markets
›› 1 month, Cologne: Am Kölner Dom; Neumarkt; Alter Markt; Rudolfplatz; Medieval Christmas market at the chocolate museum; Stadtgarten
›› 1 month, Bonn: Innenstadt/Münsterplatz, www.weihnachtsmarkt-deutschland.de
Sylvesterfeuerwerk am Kölner Rheinufer
Cologne people traditionally see in the new year watching the fireworks from one of the many bridges over the Rhine.
›› 1 evening, Rhine bank between Deutzer and Hohenzollern bridge
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