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Munich 2024 Print

Sales price 8,90 €

NEW IN THE CITY – the biligingual city and relocation guide for newcomers to Munich!

NEW IN THE CITY provides essential information on 164 pages. It’s the ideal guide for the 100,000 newcomers to Munich who arrive every year. The magazine helps you find a new apartment, organize your move and register with the authorities (Einwohnermeldeamt), choose the correct subway ticket and make new friends. 
It also contains in-depth descriptions of the various city districts, restaurants, bars, clubs, sports and recreational facilities, as well as cultural venues and major events. The magazine is clearly laid out, entertaining and completely bilingual (German and English)!



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Neu in der Stadt?

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4er Cover Mag Modul 2019
Erhältlich als Printausgabe & eBook
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